
Hello lovely ladies and gents.

For the last ten days I’ve been unable to take part in any challenges or upload photos from my i devices , some sort of conspiracy  between the so and so’s ! For some reason ipad, iMac and even the most reliable Macbook have refused to play ball, well actually I snapped the charger on my Macbook and there was no replacement to be found ! It was Something to do with my photo programme it’s been such a nuisance as there were so many challenges I had cards for and I couldn’t play along dag nabit ! and other such superlatives.

I really wanted to take part in the last couple of challenges at Less is More especially for their 5th birthday and for their one layer challenge. Now one layer cards are not my forte and I did struggle but I made one ,  could I upload the photo ,  no siree , I tried and tried and I nearly cried in the end but to no avail.

Third time’s a charm and as this week’s theme is Texture , the arrival of my brand new embossing folders from WRMK were just the ticket.

LIM for blinkie


I was inspired to make this card by the fabulous Kristina Werner who had made some cards using the WRMK next level embossing folders and watercolours I immediately ordered the folders and I wasn’t disappointed so thanks Kristina .

I used Pan Pastels on Fabriano 100% cotton hot pressed card using a sponge to get the effect I desired and then whipped it through the old Fiskers Fuse. Spellbinders card creator dies were used to create the frame  which I popped up with foam to give dimension and as I used the negative space I’m entering this into the City Crafter challenge who are asking us to use the negative space from our dies. The feather was cut with my cameo.


I was so impressed with the dimension achieved with these embossing folders that you’ll  be seeing a lot of cards using them over the next few weeks , the results using leather were particularly effective but didn’t photograph too well on this miserable sunday here in Greece.


Do pop over to Less is More and City Crafter two great challenges with super makes from the DT’s and lots of lovely cards in their galleries .

Wishing you all a beautiful day today.

take care


30 thoughts on “Texture

  1. Wow! That embossing folder is incredible. Such amazing dimension. (So need one of those now that you posted this card!) This is a truely fabulous card.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog.
    Sharon xx

  2. Fun that your comment went on my blog while I was reading how you gave the texture on your card! 🙂 Love that you used black and such bright colours! A beautiful and original make again! Gerrina

  3. Hi there! Oh I am so sorry to hear of the problems … When computers work they are wonderful! when they don’t GRrrrrr! Anyway I so glad you are up and running now and your card is beyond spectacular! I love the colours and the embossing is amazing … I have tons of E/B folders that I never use … these new ones are tempting Lol! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB! Have a wonderful day … hugs from Liverpool!

  4. Wow, stunning and a real stand out card. The most fabulous colours, that gorgeous texture embossing folder, your cameo cutting and stunning pan pastel colouring makes this card absolutely Wow.. I’ve run out of words.. suffice to say I love it!

  5. Wow! Such vivid colors and a clear lift from the challenge photo. I really like the colors you’ve captured here. Quite lovely card! So glad to have found you through the City Crafter Challenge. I’m a follower!

  6. How frustrating for you Marie……….they’re lovely when they play ball, but when they don’t ………………nothing worse. Gorgeous card – I’ve got all the WRMK embossing folders – aren’t they amazing? Got mine after seeing Kristina’s video on them as well. Love the fiery colours you’ve used, really effective.


    Karen xxx

  7. Hi marie! Its brilliant to see you back blogging and I hope all is well with you. You do the most amazing CAS work, in fact all your work is so inspirational and these embossing folders look amazing! Cxxxx

  8. Gasp … this is gorgeous, Marie … stunning sponged colours … so striking against the black … awesome texture … jaw droppingly fabulous! Hope all those ‘issues’ are well behind you! Hugs, Anita 🙂

  9. Awesome and unique as ever Marie . The embossed panel is fabulous – never before have I seen such a stunning result with an Embossing Folder!
    Hope your IT problems have been sorted.
    Sylvia xx

  10. I love it when you use black, I can’t believe how you can make it ‘shine’! I have one of these 3D folders flying my way right now, I had to have it (even though I rarely emboss…. I think that may just change). Thanks yet again for the fab inspiration and colour therapy!

  11. Oh wow, great texture card, I love the texture on the black card, and even within the frame, lovely effects overall, and that single sequin just caught my attention right away!!

  12. i think it’s possible that your comp woes were a conspiracy of other crafters, jealous of how cool your stuff is!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 seriously ♥WOW♥ this is awesome! (PS: your 1-layer card can have a 2nd chance at shopping our stash this week… just sayin’…) ♥

  13. oooh! this is a dramatic beauty! Lovely vibrant colours, fabulous embossing and love the black against those colours with a frame effect for the leaf image. thanks so much for playing along this week!
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  14. Simply fabulous!! I love the graduating colour, the embossed texture is geometric and interesting, good job Marie 😀 Thank you for dropping by, how lovely to ‘see’ you 😀 xxx

  15. Those darn so-and-sos making your life difficult! Why I oughta punch ’em, I tell you, kick ’em where it hurts, I tell you! How dare they?! Well, at least they played nice so you could share this singular masterpiece! My God woman, you are so talented!! I have a coupla those new 3D e/fs and think they are the cat’s pajamas, too, but I make pale and weak cards compared to this beaut!! I love it, Marie!! Hugs, Darnell

  16. Sorry to be so late commenting, what a super texture card! Stunning folder and vibrant colours
    Thanks for joining our challenge
    “Less is More”

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