Less is More Week 148 Lucky Dip

Hello lovely ladies !

Thanks for all of your well wishes I have to say that I’m feeling a whole lot better …………Having said that yesterday my darling husband had to undergo surgery on a knee injury so now its my turn to look after him ! Leaving the hospital a few hours ago it was difficult to tell who was the patient and who was the carer , I’m still feeling a bit wobbly and have to walk slowly , he was hobbling and I was a wobbling !  Anyways we are back home, hubby tucked up in bed so I thought I would play along with LIM as its been an absolute age.

This week is lucky dip and what to the queens of CAS have for us this week…….


LIM for blinkie

Well goodness gracious me am not really a sparkly person but you wouldn’t think so from my card !!



I used the Spellbinders card creator frames dies to cut the apertures and added a layer of glitter foam in the window. I used my Cameo to cut this lovely feather and embossed just the tip in gold and then neon pink embossing powder . I love the effect of the partial embossing which I had seen some time ago here at the lovely blog Candles in the Garden and wanted to give it a go. I do hope this is not too sparkly for the lovely LIM ladies but feel free to delete if it is. The doglets as always are now supporting a light dusting of glitter as is my sofa, craft desk and floor !

Do pop over to LIM to see the fabulous sparkly creations by Jen and Chrissie and this week they have a very talented guest designer Gillian to inspire and motivate us all.

Well its time for me to put my Florence Nightingale uniform on again and have a little peep at the patient.

Take care and will be popping by to see everyone’s sparkly creations as soon as he drops off to sleep

Take care
