Addicted to CAS #37 Grunge

Yes that’s right time once again for a new challenge over at ATCAS and what a challenge we have for you !

Our fearless leader Smiley Kylie has a very challenging and interesting code word for us all.

ATCAS - code word grunge-1

 So many different ways to go with this one and the DT have made some astonishing cards, I was really blown away by their creativity and when I saw what everyone else made I nearly threw mine in the bin but hey ho  you can only do what you can do !

Our leader Kylie is currently swanning round europe enjoying the trip of a lifetime. Last week she was in London staying with Sandie one of our team members from ATCAS and meeting up with some of the other lovely ladies. She is currently in Spain with my mate Florence from Florence and Freddie. I’ll be joining them in a few days for a week can’t wait! do hope they have left some gin for me !!!!!!!!


I got really inky and messy with this one, lots of Dylusions sprayed randomly onto smooth card . I used my Cameo to make a stencil and cut the image and sentiment and lots of lovely embossing paste and there you have it. The sentiments a bit random and this card is unlikely to find a home, I mean who would you give that to right !

We are once again being sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps

bugaboo new logo

7 fantastic digs to be won !!

Also the lovely Anita will be sharing her last card with us as guest DT member so you don’t want to miss that !

Must dash have to go try and find myself an Abba rig out as Florence has suggested we dress us as them and go on a pub crawl in Spain !!!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Take care


Get Creative Sketch Challenge 20th June

Two posts in one day well that’s a first for me !!! two posts in one week is rare enough ! Anyone visiting for the Addicted to Stamps blog launch please see my previous post. Due to circumstances beyond my control this couldn’t be avoided so if your email dinged a second time and you saw my name well not it’s not a mistake.

As it’s the 20th of the month its time for our card sketch challenge over at Get Creative and we were given this fun one to work with come and see

It’s to be used purely as inspiration, flip it rotate it, use it as you will as long as we can recognise the sketch bearing that in mind come and see me interpretation !

Lately I’ve been trying my hand at art journalling and having loads of fun getting inky and messy , although the feedback I got from hubby was just a raised eyebrow and no comment whatsoever , I think I heard something along the line of dogs dinner being muttered under his breath but I can’t be too sure. Having said that my two mutts are very well fed so I’m taking it as a compliment !! Anyway back to the art journalling as I said I have been having great fun with Dylusions inks masks and what not ,so I got  the idea to cut up a piece of  one of my masks and use it as the central piece of my card. The poor thing has been sprayed, gessoed, Pan Pasteled all over and with in an inch of its life ! I used my Cameo to make the mask and the scissors I used Pan Pastels to colour them and then added a couple of layers of Utee, what you’ve never seen pink scissors before …… I also covered my white card stock in pink Pan Pastels as it gives such a pretty tint to the paper. It seems that these pastels are all the rage or all the go if you come from Liverpool  ! I’m really loving using them and finding them better than ink and a little goes a long way which can’t be bad . The gorgeous crocheted flower I bought from Get Creative Embellishments who are also by chance our sponsor for the month. They are so pretty and beautifully made each one so different as you will see on my second card

Similar to the first card but here I stenciled directly onto the card and then placed the stencil on top but offset it a little . I only glued it in a few places as I wanted to give the impression that it was falling off, well that’s my excuse anyway. Another beautiful flower from Get Creative embellishments and for those of you like me who suffer from bloggers blindness here’s a little close up

As I said before Get Creative embellishments are our sponsor for this month and this is a little taster of what you could win aren’t they gorgeous

Why not pop over to Get Creative to see the beautiful inspirational pieces by the other members of the DT and why not have a peep at some of our other challenges that are currently running, you have until the 29th of the month to upload your entries.

Right think I need a lie down, two posts in one day has worn me out hope I didn’t tire you all and if your emails start dinging again it’s not me I promise !!!

Take care
