Addicted to CAS Challenge #49 Stencil

Hello lovely ladies and welcome to a brand new challenge at ATCAS. The boss woman Smiley Kylie is your hostess for the next two weeks and what has our fabulous and fun leader chosen to inspire us all……..

ATCAS - code word stencil

Leave it to our Kylie to choose something bang on trend !

I was quite excited when I saw this code word mainly because having my darling Cameo enables me to make stencils from just about any design or material. That was the easy part but actually choosing one was more difficult and I ended up being really boring and choosing a heart. That’s not to say I didn’t go through a tonne of stencils, embossing paste and Dylusions . It seems like the old mojo is still on vacation, never mind though I had fun trying and that’s what really counts isn’t it !


Sorry about the bad photo its been a glorious week here in Greece until I wanted to take my photo of course.

I spray painted a piece of  card stock in gold and made a stencil with my Cameo, I used shiny embossing paste and when dry added a touch of gold leaf hither and thither , what a  BIG MISTAKE ! that stuff gets everywhere ! I’m enjoying gold leafing at the moment  as it’s really quick and very effective, apart from the cleaning up that is ! A few sequins added willy nilly and topped off with a frame made by madame Cameo.

We would love for you to join us at ATCAS the DT have created some amazing cards for your perusal and we have a brand new guest designer the amazing Hannelie from Desert Diva, I do hope you will all join in and welcome this super  talented lady.

We also once again sponsored by Stamp Art Design who are offering five free digis !

9 button StampArt Design by Kathryne final badge

Wishing you all a super weekend and sending extra big hugs to Kylie as I know she’s had a pretty tough week

Ta ra for now


Addicted to CAS #37 Grunge

Yes that’s right time once again for a new challenge over at ATCAS and what a challenge we have for you !

Our fearless leader Smiley Kylie has a very challenging and interesting code word for us all.

ATCAS - code word grunge-1

 So many different ways to go with this one and the DT have made some astonishing cards, I was really blown away by their creativity and when I saw what everyone else made I nearly threw mine in the bin but hey ho  you can only do what you can do !

Our leader Kylie is currently swanning round europe enjoying the trip of a lifetime. Last week she was in London staying with Sandie one of our team members from ATCAS and meeting up with some of the other lovely ladies. She is currently in Spain with my mate Florence from Florence and Freddie. I’ll be joining them in a few days for a week can’t wait! do hope they have left some gin for me !!!!!!!!


I got really inky and messy with this one, lots of Dylusions sprayed randomly onto smooth card . I used my Cameo to make a stencil and cut the image and sentiment and lots of lovely embossing paste and there you have it. The sentiments a bit random and this card is unlikely to find a home, I mean who would you give that to right !

We are once again being sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps

bugaboo new logo

7 fantastic digs to be won !!

Also the lovely Anita will be sharing her last card with us as guest DT member so you don’t want to miss that !

Must dash have to go try and find myself an Abba rig out as Florence has suggested we dress us as them and go on a pub crawl in Spain !!!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Take care
