Addicted to CAS #30 NEW

Helloo lovely ladies and welcome to a new challenge at ATCAS , firstly thank you all so much for entering our die-cuts challenge personally it was one of my favorites and it seems like yours too. We had so many amazing entries  our lovely Loll really has a mammoth task this time to choose the winners, so check back Monday to see if its you.

Our next challenge has been chosen by the gorgeous and talented Shanna and what has this beautiful lady chosen for us…..

ATCAS - code word new

Los of possibilities with this one don’t ya think ? Come and see what I did.


I liked this simple card so much I made a second using some pretty Basic Grey design paper


No prizes for guessing that I used my Cameo AGAIN !

We are once again sponsored by Deedee’s Digis


She is most generously offering three sets of digs to the winner

Do pop over to ATCAS to see what the rest of the talented DT members have come up with they are always an inspiration to me and say hi to Nancy our guest DT member who has another fabulous card to share with us.

In the words of Bugs Bunny

” That’s all folks “

Short and sweet from me today .

Take care


28 thoughts on “Addicted to CAS #30 NEW

  1. Oh! just sooooooooo inspired, I love them both but the first one with it’s faux stitching has to be my favourite.

    You and your Cameo and a GREAT team 🙂

    Have a great weekend.

  2. You are the queen of this cameo. I really need to see one in action. I wonder if Flo Flo has one… Hmmmm, anyway, I love the designs you pump out of that machine. Amazing!!! xx

  3. Τι όμορφες καρτούμες που έκανες και πάλι Μαρι! Ελπίζω να ξαναβρω ορεξη για δημιουργια….και να παιξω μαζι σας αυτη τη φορα! ΦΙλια!

  4. Marie I LOVE that house with the heart – I will have to look for it in the Silhouette store so I can case your card!! I have a real estate friend who likes to give her clients cards when they close on a dwelling and I am running out of ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Marie, you are the Cameo Queen and there’s no doubt about it! If I ever break down and get one, it will be entirely your fault. The creations you make with it just take my breath away!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. I would love to know what font you used on this card. Its awesome and my son just moved into a new home and I would love to make one for him. Thanks for sharing.

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