Colorful Options June Challenge “Aqua”

welcome back to another fun challenge at Colorful Options for June we are asking you to use Aqua in your creations and if Aqua isn’t your thing then you can play along using rainbow colors.

Something fun and new! We’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Double Trouble Challenge for the inaugural two weeks of this month. We warmly invite you to participate in both challenges and share in the joy of crafting together. Let’s make these two weeks unforgettable!

I loved the color theme this month; my card came together quickly, and as you read this post, I will hopefully be swimming in the beautiful Aqua waters at my summer house.

Above are a few photo’s from my summer house you can see how I was inspired by that wonderful die and Colorful Options Aqua theme.

I used this amazing die by A Pocket Full of Happiness and practically cased Zoka”S card, I just layered up the waves and used a variety of Distress Oxide inks for the sea all popped up with lashings of foam tape to give dimension. A Tim Holtz sentiment sticker and a hot burning sun and there you have it.

I will also be playing along with Double Trouble Challenge this month and hope you take the time to check it out.

In other news, I’m afraid I have been a bad blogger struggling to keep up with you all. Our new shop is bustling and I’ve been working longer hours than usual I also sell my cards there and they have been in such high demand and I can hardly keep up or even play along in many challenges but I will try my very best to be a better blogger and catch up with all of your amazing crafty projects.

Take care


13 thoughts on “Colorful Options June Challenge “Aqua”

  1. Marie, this is absolutely stunning! I can’t swim a stroke but would be overjoyed to sit on the beach to watch these gorgeous waves! FABulous!


  2. Awesome card! wow – would love to see a photo of your summer house and aqua waters – just the description gets me jealous. Congrats on selling your high demand cards too. Again a little jealousy here on that too 😊

    • Thank you so much for your kind words Vicki. If you go back to my blog I have posted a couple of pics of the view from my summer house,they aren’t very good but you will get the idea.

  3. OH! How very lovely Marie, love your inspiration Summer house and the sea. It looks so comfortable and beautiful. The card actually reminds of a Japanese sea image I have seen a long time ago. An absolutely stunning card. Good to hear your really busy and I bet your cards are flying out of the door. Keep busy and take time to care for yourself too. xx

  4. Love the layering of your wave dies and the splash of the waters is perfect for riding the waves. Nice dimension and beautiful scene. Thanks for sharing your DT card with us at Double Trouble and welcome as a first time entrant. Please come back for future fun challenges at Double Trouble to see what Things 1, 2 and 3 have up their sleeve… they will guarantee you fun challenges.

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